Using your home generator for the first time? Here are some tips!
January 9, 2022Everything you need to know about an RV generator
June 2, 2022A generator is a generator is a generator right? Wrong! If you are considering one, you’ll need to know the difference between prime generators and standby generators.
Generators come in all different models, and have differences Output, voltage, size, mobility and fuel type. But there are two general categories of generators: Prime or continuous generators and standby generators.
They basically do the same thing, but they can function differently.
Here’s what you need to know about prime generators vs. standby generators. Read on:
Prime generators
Prime or continuous generators do what they say: They provide the primary – or prime – source of power and can be used for an extended time period. A prime generator can have a variable power load drawn on it for a long time. You’ll find these types of generators on construction sites, on ships, mobile kitchens and food trucks and at outdoor events – generally places where there aren’t other power sources available.
Standby generators
A standby generator is what you might have in your garage. It’s intended use is to provide power for a short amount of time, during something like a power outage. It’s only to be used until the main power supply is restored. They can be used at homes or businesses during power failures. Usually, they are only used for a few hours or maybe a day or two.
If you find yourself using it more than that, it’s best to look at your instruction manual so you don’t overload or damage your generator.
If you are looking for options for generators for your home or business, it’s always best to understand your unique needs and situation.
Quality Power Systems
At Quality Power Systems, we can help you choose the right generator system. Contact us today! We can help you with your generator needs.